Katalepsy The Beast Of Nod Lyrics
Blood gives birth to blood,
Sin was born by
The beast of the land of Nod.
He fitted keys to forbidden mysteries
And knew that mortals couldn’t recognize
For truth that word of the spirit lies,
He was sentenced forever to the abyss of eternal dark.
He’s just a man, he’s not a guard,
He blinded by oppressive faith and fires
And put himself above all measures and desires
Got false idea about his omnipotence.
The brother’s blood cries out from the ground.
Eternal curse, expulsion is his law.
The mark of beast is on his gaunt brow
And doomed to be alone for bad and all.
He is the ancestor of accursed slayers,
The father of the punishers and orcs,
The one who brings a grief to the receptive world,
The one who feeds delusions and deceptions
As the last breath of a hanged man,
As death by drowning or a kiss of blade,
He walks to reach the ancient chaos grade
Because there is no salvation if you fall.
Song by Katalepsy
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